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0002466: Absturz bei Bodeneinsatz - Mantis
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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002466 [X-Force] Bodeneinsatz crash always 05.06.11 21:58 18.07.11 07:03
Reporter Hanibal29 View Status public  
Assigned To
Priority normal Resolution duplicate  
Status closed   Product Version V0.917a02
Summary 0002466: Absturz bei Bodeneinsatz
Description Bei einem Bodeneinsatz beim Silo ist das Spiel einfach abgestürzt.
Additional Information Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005ED5CE in Modul 'XForce.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000018
$005ED5CE GameFigureManager... 953 GItem:=fRucksack[Index];
$00404E6C System.@HandleAnyException
$005ECBCF GameFigureManager... 593 if not Nachladen(Slot) then
$005C44E5 GameFigure.pas 2696 case fManager.DoShoot(Slot,Shoot,Infos) of
$005C40EE GameFigure.pas 2586 result:=ShootToPos(Point(Figure.XPos,Figure.YPos),Slot,ShootInfos); // bei Schüssen per Maus
$005C719B GameFigure.pas 4167 result:=ShootToUnit(Figure,Slot,Addr(Infos)) or result;
$005C7219 GameFigure.pas 4177 Shoot(scsLinkeHand);
$005B1F09 DXIsoEngine.pas 900 TGameFigure(fFigures[Dummy]).ShootToUnit(Figure,Container.MousePos);
$00637862 DXContainer.pas 1278 fCaptureControl.MouseUp(mbLeft,fMousePos.X-fCaptureControl.Left,fMousePos.Y-fCaptureControl.Top);
$00451E97 Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message);
$00456A94 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message);
$00456152 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message);
$0042CA05 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]
$0047041A Forms.pas 7670 DispatchMessage(Msg);
$0047045F Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$005B319B DXIsoEngine.pas 1318 Application.HandleMessage;
$0059B3AF BodenEinsatz.pas 401 Engine.PlayGame;
$0063B21C DXContainer.pas 3187 PageShown;
$006372F8 DXContainer.pas 1124 ActivePage.Activate;
$00637D99 DXContainer.pas 1468 ActivePage:=Page;
$00639D51 DXContainer.pas 2469 ShowPageModal(Page)
$0063B292 DXContainer.pas 3206 Container.ShowPage(Page);
$005DC8C1 EinsatzIntro.pas 415 ChangePage(PageBodenEinsatz);
$005DC513 EinsatzIntro.pas 294 StartEinsatz;
$0063A288 DXContainer.pas 2628 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$00556B36 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$0063789E DXContainer.pas 1281 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00451E97 Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message);
$00456A94 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message);
$00456152 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message);
$0042CA05 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]
$0047041A Forms.pas 7670 DispatchMessage(Msg);
$0047045F Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$00637DDA DXContainer.pas 1482 Application.HandleMessage;
$00639D51 DXContainer.pas 2469 ShowPageModal(Page)
$0063B292 DXContainer.pas 3206 Container.ShowPage(Page);
$005DC0EC EinsatzIntro.pas 187 ChangePage(PageEinsatzIntro);
$0067329A frmMain.pas 1035 EinsatzIntro.BerechneEinsatze;
$005EA0F9 KD4SaveGame.pas 503 if Assigned(fUFOKampf) then fUFOKampf(Self);
$005EA4E8 KD4SaveGame.pas 625 MakeFights;
$00610A01 GameMenu.pas 270 SaveGame.NextRound(fTime);
$00638E87 DXContainer.pas 2021 if Func(Parameter,Frames) then
$00638D47 DXContainer.pas 1963 PerformFrameTime;
$0049FF92 DXClass.pas 478 if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(Self, LagCount);
$0049FEED DXClass.pas 445 DoTimer(LagCount);
$004710F7 Forms.pas 8083 if Assigned(FOnIdle) then FOnIdle(Self, Done);
$0047046E Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$004706FA Forms.pas 7773 HandleMessage;
Attached Files  error-05-06-2011-21-51.txt [^] (78,686 bytes) 05.06.11 21:58

- Relationships
duplicate of 0002463new  Game crashes after attacking alien (automated weaponreload) 

There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05.06.11 21:58 Hanibal29 New Issue
05.06.11 21:58 Hanibal29 File Added: error-05-06-2011-21-51.txt
25.06.11 17:26 Natter Additional Information Updated
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Relationship added duplicate of 0002463
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Issue Monitored: Natter
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Issue End Monitor: Natter
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Status new => closed
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Resolution open => duplicate

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