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0002466: Absturz bei Bodeneinsatz - Mantis
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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002466 [X-Force] Bodeneinsatz crash always 05.06.11 21:58 18.07.11 07:03
Reporter Hanibal29 View Status public  
Assigned To
Priority normal Resolution duplicate Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version Product Version V0.917a02
  Product Build
Summary 0002466: Absturz bei Bodeneinsatz
Description Bei einem Bodeneinsatz beim Silo ist das Spiel einfach abgestürzt.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005ED5CE in Modul 'XForce.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000018
$005ED5CE GameFigureManager... 953 GItem:=fRucksack[Index];
$00404E6C System.@HandleAnyException
$005ECBCF GameFigureManager... 593 if not Nachladen(Slot) then
$005C44E5 GameFigure.pas 2696 case fManager.DoShoot(Slot,Shoot,Infos) of
$005C40EE GameFigure.pas 2586 result:=ShootToPos(Point(Figure.XPos,Figure.YPos),Slot,ShootInfos); // bei Schüssen per Maus
$005C719B GameFigure.pas 4167 result:=ShootToUnit(Figure,Slot,Addr(Infos)) or result;
$005C7219 GameFigure.pas 4177 Shoot(scsLinkeHand);
$005B1F09 DXIsoEngine.pas 900 TGameFigure(fFigures[Dummy]).ShootToUnit(Figure,Container.MousePos);
$00637862 DXContainer.pas 1278 fCaptureControl.MouseUp(mbLeft,fMousePos.X-fCaptureControl.Left,fMousePos.Y-fCaptureControl.Top);
$00451E97 Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message);
$00456A94 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message);
$00456152 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message);
$0042CA05 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]
$0047041A Forms.pas 7670 DispatchMessage(Msg);
$0047045F Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$005B319B DXIsoEngine.pas 1318 Application.HandleMessage;
$0059B3AF BodenEinsatz.pas 401 Engine.PlayGame;
$0063B21C DXContainer.pas 3187 PageShown;
$006372F8 DXContainer.pas 1124 ActivePage.Activate;
$00637D99 DXContainer.pas 1468 ActivePage:=Page;
$00639D51 DXContainer.pas 2469 ShowPageModal(Page)
$0063B292 DXContainer.pas 3206 Container.ShowPage(Page);
$005DC8C1 EinsatzIntro.pas 415 ChangePage(PageBodenEinsatz);
$005DC513 EinsatzIntro.pas 294 StartEinsatz;
$0063A288 DXContainer.pas 2628 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$00556B36 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$0063789E DXContainer.pas 1281 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00451E97 Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message);
$00456A94 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message);
$00456152 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message);
$0042CA05 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]
$0047041A Forms.pas 7670 DispatchMessage(Msg);
$0047045F Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$00637DDA DXContainer.pas 1482 Application.HandleMessage;
$00639D51 DXContainer.pas 2469 ShowPageModal(Page)
$0063B292 DXContainer.pas 3206 Container.ShowPage(Page);
$005DC0EC EinsatzIntro.pas 187 ChangePage(PageEinsatzIntro);
$0067329A frmMain.pas 1035 EinsatzIntro.BerechneEinsatze;
$005EA0F9 KD4SaveGame.pas 503 if Assigned(fUFOKampf) then fUFOKampf(Self);
$005EA4E8 KD4SaveGame.pas 625 MakeFights;
$00610A01 GameMenu.pas 270 SaveGame.NextRound(fTime);
$00638E87 DXContainer.pas 2021 if Func(Parameter,Frames) then
$00638D47 DXContainer.pas 1963 PerformFrameTime;
$0049FF92 DXClass.pas 478 if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(Self, LagCount);
$0049FEED DXClass.pas 445 DoTimer(LagCount);
$004710F7 Forms.pas 8083 if Assigned(FOnIdle) then FOnIdle(Self, Done);
$0047046E Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg);
$004706FA Forms.pas 7773 HandleMessage;
Attached Files  error-05-06-2011-21-51.txt [^] (78,686 bytes) 05.06.11 21:58

- Relationships
duplicate of 0002463new  Game crashes after attacking alien (automated weaponreload) 

There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05.06.11 21:58 Hanibal29 New Issue
05.06.11 21:58 Hanibal29 File Added: error-05-06-2011-21-51.txt
25.06.11 17:26 Natter Additional Information Updated
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Relationship added duplicate of 0002463
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Issue Monitored: Natter
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Issue End Monitor: Natter
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Status new => closed
18.07.11 07:03 Natter Resolution open => duplicate

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