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0001805: Translation of the language file for the edit.exe (Version 910b) - Mantis
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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001805 [Translations] English feature N/A 05.02.08 09:43 17.02.08 19:18
Reporter Virus_cg5 View Status public  
Assigned To Virus_cg5
Priority normal Resolution open Platform
Status assigned   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version Product Version 0.910
  Product Build
Summary 0001805: Translation of the language file for the edit.exe (Version 910b)
Description This is a complete overhaul of the offical english translation file for edit.exe.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information *Update* 06/02/2008:

At a rough guess I have 70% corrected, and I mean corrected, I have checked all previous translated parts as well and personally either corrected or confirmed they are correct for the function.

To see the progress of my work download 'english.dat.xls'

I have also made files to describe all the commands and functions that cannot be tranlated in edit.exe.

To see progress of this download 'Edit Translations.xls'

*Update* 16/02/2008:
Nearly completed 'Edit Translations.xls' most of the layout is done and most of the explanations are done except the ones I don't understand, next to no progress on 'english.dat.xls' as either can't find what entries link to or what they actually mean
Language-File editor
Attached Files  Edit V910b Origanal english.dat [^] (42,063 bytes) 17.02.08 00:43

- Relationships

- Notes
05.02.08 10:31

How do you open those files? Just rename it txt and edit them?
05.02.08 11:16
edited on: 05.02.08 11:27

yup thats it, I can make it more friendly to read if you like

05.02.08 16:57

What is there to translate? Is there a german file somewhere?
05.02.08 17:17

there's no german file for the editor as the translations were added to the editor a lot later after the editor was already programmed.
And you can't translate the entire editor for similiar reasons.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05.02.08 09:43 Virus_cg5 New Issue
05.02.08 09:43 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit V910b english.dat
05.02.08 09:43 Virus_cg5 Language-File  => editor
05.02.08 09:52 Virus_cg5 Issue Monitored: Virus_cg5
05.02.08 09:52 Virus_cg5 Issue End Monitor: Virus_cg5
05.02.08 09:53 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit V910b english(06.02.2008).dat
05.02.08 10:31 Turalyon Note Added: 0002996
05.02.08 11:16 Virus_cg5 Note Added: 0002997
05.02.08 11:27 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0002997
05.02.08 16:57 Turalyon Note Added: 0002998
05.02.08 17:17 DirkF Note Added: 0002999
05.02.08 19:05 Virus_cg5 Note Added: 0003000
05.02.08 19:17 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003000
05.02.08 19:17 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003000
06.02.08 18:39 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003000
06.02.08 18:42 Virus_cg5 Note Deleted: 0003000
06.02.08 18:43 Virus_cg5 Note Added: 0003001
06.02.08 21:46 DirkF Status new => assigned
06.02.08 21:46 DirkF Assigned To  => Virus_cg5
06.02.08 22:12 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit V910b english(06.02.2008).dat
06.02.08 23:57 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003001
07.02.08 01:27 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003001
07.02.08 02:12 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit V910b english.dat
07.02.08 02:13 Virus_cg5 Issue Monitored: Virus_cg5
07.02.08 02:13 Virus_cg5 Issue End Monitor: Virus_cg5
07.02.08 02:13 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit V910b 6.2.8 english.dat
07.02.08 02:14 Virus_cg5 Note Edited: 0003001
07.02.08 02:27 Virus_cg5 Description Updated
07.02.08 02:27 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
07.02.08 02:28 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
07.02.08 02:28 Virus_cg5 Note Deleted: 0003001
07.02.08 02:31 Virus_cg5 Description Updated
07.02.08 09:16 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
07.02.08 09:28 Virus_cg5 File Added: english.dat.xls
07.02.08 09:29 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
07.02.08 14:13 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit Translations.xls
07.02.08 14:19 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
13.02.08 00:15 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit Translations.xls
13.02.08 00:15 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: english.dat.xls
13.02.08 00:16 Virus_cg5 File Added: english.dat.xls
13.02.08 00:16 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit Translations.xls
13.02.08 00:19 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
13.02.08 00:20 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
17.02.08 00:35 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit Translations.xls
17.02.08 00:35 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit Translations.xls
17.02.08 00:39 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
17.02.08 00:39 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: english.dat.xls
17.02.08 00:39 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit V910b 6.2.8 english.dat
17.02.08 00:39 Virus_cg5 File Added: english.dat.xls
17.02.08 00:41 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit V910b 16.2.8 english.dat
17.02.08 00:42 Virus_cg5 Additional Information Updated
17.02.08 00:43 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit V910b Origanal english.dat
17.02.08 19:18 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit Translations.xls
17.02.08 19:18 Virus_cg5 File Added: Edit Translations.xls
10.12.08 10:17 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: english.dat.xls
10.12.08 10:17 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit Translations.xls
10.12.08 10:17 Virus_cg5 File Deleted: Edit V910b 16.2.8 english.dat

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