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ID | Category | Severity | Reproducibility | Date Submitted | Last Update | |||||||
0002422 | [X-Force] Bodeneinsatz | crash | N/A | 16.06.10 14:24 | 16.06.10 14:25 | |||||||
Reporter | Natter | View Status | public | |||||||||
Assigned To | ||||||||||||
Priority | normal | Resolution | open | |||||||||
Status | new | Product Version | V0.917a01 | |||||||||
Summary | 0002422: Absturz beim Laden des Bodeneinsatzes | |||||||||||
Description |
Fehlermeldung per Mail: Folgender Fehler trat bei X-Force auf, als ich meinen ersten Bodeneinsatz beim normalen X-Forcespielsatz starten wollte. |
Additional Information |
Installierte Updates XFORCE-MAIN: String = 917a01 CONFIG: String = 113 MUSIK: String = 101 GAMESETDUMMY: String = 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Direct X-Version: String = Auflösung: String = 1024x768 Grafik-Modus: String = 32 Bit Grafikkarte: String = NVIDIA GeForce 9300M GS Videospeicher: String = 1.844.804.024 frei / 1.865.592.832 gesamt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIOS-Name: String = BIOS-Copyright: String = BIOS-Info: String = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Betriebssystem: String = Windows Vista Home Edition, Version: 6.0, Build: 1772, "Service Pack 2" Prozessor: String = Intel, Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz, 2000 MHz MMX Arbeitsspeicher: String = 1.263.304.704 frei / 2.147.483.647 gesamt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exceptionklasse: String = EAssertionFailed Seite: String = TEinsatzIntro Exception an Adresse: Hex = $005D3FBD Exception Message: String = Assertion fehlges (C:\XFQuellcode\v0917\game\source\components\MapGenerator.pas, Zeile 603) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stackdump, Textstart $00401240 ********************************************************************************************************************* Assertion fehlges (C:\XFQuellcode\v0917\game\source\components\MapGenerator.pas, Zeile 603) $005D3FBD MapGenerator.pas 604 Assert(Assigned(fSetTileFunc)); $005D3FB8 MapGenerator.pas 603 Assert(fRoomList.Count>0); $005D3D64 MapGenerator.pas 542 result:=GenerateRandom(,; $005C1FA4 DXIsoEngine.pas 2937 fMapGenerator.Generate(Einsatz) ; $005BA798 BodenEinsatz.pas 208 Engine.ISOMap.CreateMap(fEinsatz); $005BA16C EinsatzIntro.pas 410 fEinsatzPage.LoadData; $005B9DD7 EinsatzIntro.pas 294 StartEinsatz; $00638DC0 DXContainer.pas 2628 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self); $0051026E DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited; $006363D6 DXContainer.pas 1281 fCaptureControl.DoClick $00451E97 Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message); $00456A94 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message); $00456152 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message); $0042CA05 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4] -------------------------------- ********************************************************************************************************************* |
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