Anonymous | Login | Signup for a new account | 01.04.2025 00:10 CEST |
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ID | Category | Severity | Reproducibility | Date Submitted | Last Update | ||||
0002195 | [X-Force] Bodeneinsatz | block | always | 12.06.09 22:39 | 14.07.09 03:00 | ||||
Reporter | starbird81 | View Status | public | ||||||
Assigned To | Natter | ||||||||
Priority | normal | Resolution | fixed | Platform | |||||
Status | closed | OS | |||||||
Projection | none | OS Version | |||||||
ETA | none | Fixed in Version | V0.915b03 | Product Version | V0.915b02 | ||||
Product Build | |||||||||
Summary | 0002195: Spielt hängt im Bodeneinsatz | ||||||||
Description |
Wenn ich im Bodeneinsatz von einer Alienbewegung unterbrochen werden hängt sich das Spiel auf. Es wird keine Error.txt erzeugt oder ein normales beenden des Spiels ist unmöglich. Da hilft nur Taskmanager. cu starbird |
Steps To Reproduce | |||||||||
Additional Information |
Stackdump, Textstart $00401240 ********************************************************************************************************************* Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it. $004972B9 DXDraws.pas 1807 end; $004972B4 DXDraws.pas 1806 raise Exception.Create(DDErrorString(DXResult)); $0049B679 DXDraws.pas 4244 FDXDraw.FPrimary.Blt(Dest, FDXDraw.FSurface.ClientRect, DDBLT_WAIT, df, FDXDraw.FSurface); $0049C499 DXDraws.pas 4655 TDXDrawDriver(FDXDrawDriver).Flip; $006329E9 DXContainer.pas 1864 if Flip and (fLock=0) then Self.Flip; $00630F63 DXContainer.pas 1005 RedrawArea(Control.ClientRect,Surface,Flip); $00634495 DXContainer.pas 2764 Container.RedrawControl(Self,Container.Surface); $005B255A DXUIBodenEinsatz.... 2734 inherited; $005B91D4 BodenEinsatz.pas 537 Self.Figures.Redraw; $005B939C BodenEinsatz.pas 571 vmRedrawSolList : RedrawUI(uiSoldatList); $00569E38 ISOMessages.pas 167 MessageHandler(Rec); $005D6C87 GameFigure.pas 2057 SendVMessage(vmRedrawSolList); $005B998D BodenEinsatz.pas 669 vmNeedTimeUnits : rec.TUresult:=Engine.Figures.GetFigureOfManager(Rec.Objekt as TGameFigureManager).NeedTU(rec.TimeUnits); $00569E38 ISOMessages.pas 167 MessageHandler(Rec); $005F9DF9 GameFigureManager... 951 SendVMessage(vmNeedTimeUnits); $005F94A4 GameFigureManager... 631 NeedTU(TUs); $005D8599 GameFigure.pas 2649 case fManager.DoShoot(Slot,Shoot,Infos) of $005D83C2 GameFigure.pas 2597 result:=ShootToPos(Point(Figure.XPos,Figure.YPos),Slot,Addr(NewShootInfos)); $005DB141 GameFigure.pas 4083 result:=ShootToUnit(Figure,scsLinkeHand, BodyRegion); $005577F6 112 mov ecx,_ECX $0055858E 540 btchar,btU8, btS8: tbtu8(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); $00559F6B uPSRuntime.pas 9573 Result := Caller.InnerfuseCall(FSelf, p.Ext1, cc, MyList, v) $005538D4 uPSRuntime.pas 7529 if not TPSExternalProcRec(u).ProcPtr(Self, TPSExternalProcRec(u), FGlobalVars, FStack) then $005525FC uPSRuntime.pas 6884 Result := RunScript; $0062AF87 MissionList.pas 1741 fScriptRunTime.RunProc(List,Proc); $0062D287 MissionList.pas 2704 fMission.CallEvent(fSkriptFunc,[Sender]); $004BB575 NotifyList.pas 197 fEvents[Dummy].Event(Objekt); $005DC077 GameFigure.pas 4553 Figure.NotifyList.CallEvents(EVENT_FIGURE_NEWROUND,Self); $005BF2A5 DXIsoEngine.pas 3069 fEnemyKI.DoUnitRound; $005BC382 DXIsoEngine.pas 1555 DoGroupMove; $005B8BDB BodenEinsatz.pas 375 Engine.PlayGame; $00635154 DXContainer.pas 3176 PageShown; $00631220 DXContainer.pas 1123 ActivePage.Activate; $00631CC9 DXContainer.pas 1467 ActivePage:=Page; $00633C81 DXContainer.pas 2468 ShowPageModal(Page) $006351CA DXContainer.pas 3195 Container.ShowPage(Page); $005B7FFD EinsatzIntro.pas 414 ChangePage(PageBodenEinsatz); $005B7C4F EinsatzIntro.pas 293 StartEinsatz; $006341C0 DXContainer.pas 2627 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self); $0050F936 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited; $006317CE DXContainer.pas 1280 fCaptureControl.DoClick $0045185B Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message); $00456458 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message); $00455B16 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message); $0042C3C9 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4] -------------------------------- Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 70C1DE17 in Modul 'nvd3dum.dll'. Lesen von Adresse 00000004 $70C1DE17 $00404BFC System.@HandleAnyException $0049734B DXDraws.pas 1814 DXResult := ISurface.BltFast(X, Y, Source.IDDSurface, @SrcRect, DWORD(Flags)); $0049780B DXDraws.pas 1966 BltFast(DestRect.Left, DestRect.Top, SrcRect, BltFastFlags[Transparent], Source); $00630D26 DXContainer.pas 915 Surface.Draw(fMousePos.x-fCursor.HotSpot.X,fMousePos.y-fCursor.HotSpot.Y,fSystemList.Items[0].PatternRects[fFrame],CurBil,true); $006329D3 DXContainer.pas 1863 DrawCursor(Surface); $0063468A DXContainer.pas 2844 Container.RedrawArea(RedrawRect,Container.Surface); $005147F5 DXTextViewer.pas 434 fScrollBar.SetRect(NewLeft+NewWidth-fScrollBar.Width,NewTop,fScrollBar.Width,NewHeight); $0063466C DXContainer.pas 2841 Resize(fLeft,fTop,fWidth,fHeight); $00515EC9 DXMessage.pas 291 TextViewer.SetRect(TextViewer.Left,TextViewer.Top,MaxWidth,MaxHeight); $00515B68 DXMessage.pas 200 CalculateSize(Text); $005F3188 game_api.pas 308 g_DXMessage.Show(Message,Caption,false) $0062BE5F MissionList.pas 2190 game_api_MessageBox('Run Time Error in misssion '+fMissionName+':'0000013#10+Message,'Error'); $00627155 MissionList.pas 495 (TObject(Sender.ID) as TMission).RunTimeException(ExObject as Exception,Mess); $00552B1A uPSRuntime.pas 7144 FOnException(Self, Ec, Param, ExObject, C, FCurrentPosition); $005539F4 uPSRuntime.pas 7566 CMD_Err3(erException, Exception(Tmp).Message, Tmp) else $005525FC uPSRuntime.pas 6884 Result := RunScript; $0062AF87 MissionList.pas 1741 fScriptRunTime.RunProc(List,Proc); $0062D287 MissionList.pas 2704 fMission.CallEvent(fSkriptFunc,[Sender]); $004BB575 NotifyList.pas 197 fEvents[Dummy].Event(Objekt); $005DC077 GameFigure.pas 4553 Figure.NotifyList.CallEvents(EVENT_FIGURE_NEWROUND,Self); $005BF2A5 DXIsoEngine.pas 3069 fEnemyKI.DoUnitRound; $005BC382 DXIsoEngine.pas 1555 DoGroupMove; $005B8BDB BodenEinsatz.pas 375 Engine.PlayGame; $00635154 DXContainer.pas 3176 PageShown; $00631220 DXContainer.pas 1123 ActivePage.Activate; $00631CC9 DXContainer.pas 1467 ActivePage:=Page; $00633C81 DXContainer.pas 2468 ShowPageModal(Page) $006351CA DXContainer.pas 3195 Container.ShowPage(Page); $005B7FFD EinsatzIntro.pas 414 ChangePage(PageBodenEinsatz); $005B7C4F EinsatzIntro.pas 293 StartEinsatz; $006341C0 DXContainer.pas 2627 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self); $0050F936 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited; $006317CE DXContainer.pas 1280 fCaptureControl.DoClick $0045185B Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message); $00456458 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message); $00455B16 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message); $0042C3C9 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4] $0046FDDE Forms.pas 7670 DispatchMessage(Msg); $0046FE23 Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg); $00631D0A DXContainer.pas 1481 Application.HandleMessage; $00633C81 DXContainer.pas 2468 ShowPageModal(Page) $006351CA DXContainer.pas 3195 Container.ShowPage(Page); $005B7840 EinsatzIntro.pas 187 ChangePage(PageEinsatzIntro); $0066EDFA frmMain.pas 1034 EinsatzIntro.BerechneEinsatze; $005E4389 KD4SaveGame.pas 503 if Assigned(fUFOKampf) then fUFOKampf(Self); $005E4778 KD4SaveGame.pas 625 MakeFights; $00607909 GameMenu.pas 270 SaveGame.NextRound(fTime); $00632DB7 DXContainer.pas 2020 if Func(Parameter,Frames) then $00632C77 DXContainer.pas 1962 PerformFrameTime; $004840B6 DXClass.pas 478 if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(Self, LagCount); $00484011 DXClass.pas 445 DoTimer(LagCount); $00470ABB Forms.pas 8083 if Assigned(FOnIdle) then FOnIdle(Self, Done); $0046FE32 Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg); $004700BE Forms.pas 7773 HandleMessage; $00677E56 -------------------------------- |
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