Warning: ob_start(): function 'compress_handler' not found or invalid function name in /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php on line 18
0001953: Zeichenfunktion Ellipse - Mantis
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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001953 [X-Force] Allgemein minor always 29.06.08 12:52 08.08.08 03:00
Reporter Natter View Status public  
Assigned To Jim_Raynor
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version V0.915a03 Product Version V0.915a02
  Product Build
Summary 0001953: Zeichenfunktion Ellipse
Description Blending.pas benötigt eine Zeichenfunktion für Kreis/Ellipse. Benötigt wird das z.B. um die Reichweite von Granaten anzuzeigen.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information Beispiel für Linie:
procedure HLine(Surface: TDirectDrawSurface;const Mem: TDDSurfaceDesc;FromX,ToX,Y: Integer;Col: TBlendColor);
  Left,Right : Integer;
  Pixel : Integer;
  Length : Integer;
  i : Integer;
  if (Y < Surface.ClippingRect.Top) then
  if (Y >= Surface.ClippingRect.Bottom) then
  // Determine which is left and right by value
  if FromX=ToX then exit;
  if (FromX > ToX) then
    left := ToX;
    right := FromX + 1;
    left := FromX;
    right := ToX + 1;
  // Clip the line
  if (left < Surface.ClippingRect.left) then
    Left := Surface.ClippingRect.left;
  if (right > Surface.ClippingRect.right) then
    Right := Surface.ClippingRect.right;
  if Length<=0 then exit;
  if Mode32Bit then
    inc(Pixel,Left shl 2);
      PInteger(Pixel)^ := Col;
    until (Length = 0);
    inc(Pixel,left shl 1);
    i := Length mod 2;
    while i > 0 do
    if (Length > 1) then
      Col := Col or (Col shl 16);
      until (Length = 0);
Attached Files

- Relationships

- Notes
07.07.08 00:01
edited on: 07.07.08 00:08

So hier gibts schonmal ne theoretische Ellipse-Funktion für ein normales Canvas:

procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
  r,w,i: Integer;
  x,y,z: Integer;
  Points: Array of TPoint;
  Seg : Integer;
  Poi1, Poi2, Poi3, Poi4: PPoint;
  rad: double;
  w:=(PaintBox1.Width div 2)-1;
  r:=(PaintBox1.Height div 2)-1;

  Seg:=max(30,((w+r) div 10));

  with PaintBox1.Canvas do

    i:=(Seg div 4);


    for z:=0 to i do

      Poi1.X:=w+X; Poi1.Y:=Y+r;
      Poi2.X:=Poi1.X; Poi2.Y:=r-Y;
      Poi3.X:=w-X; Poi3.Y:=Poi2.Y;
      Poi4.X:=Poi3.X; Poi4.Y:=Poi1.Y;

      inc(Poi1); inc(Poi3);
      dec(Poi2); dec(Poi4);


Muss jetzt noch optimiert und für TDirectDrawSurface angepasst werden.


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
29.06.08 12:52 Natter New Issue
07.07.08 00:01 Jim_Raynor Note Added: 0003392
07.07.08 00:08 Jim_Raynor Note Edited: 0003392
07.07.08 22:13 Jim_Raynor Status new => assigned
07.07.08 22:13 Jim_Raynor Assigned To  => Jim_Raynor
07.07.08 22:51 Jim_Raynor Status assigned => resolved
07.07.08 22:51 Jim_Raynor Fixed in Version  => V0.915a03
07.07.08 22:51 Jim_Raynor Resolution open => fixed
08.08.08 03:00 Gast Status resolved => closed

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