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0001924: Absturz bei Wechsel Hauptmenü -> Spiel - Mantis
Mantis Bugtracker

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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001924 [X-Force] Allgemein crash N/A 12.06.08 12:25 17.07.09 03:00
Reporter Natter View Status public  
Assigned To Natter
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version V0.915b04 Product Version V0.912f02
  Product Build
Summary 0001924: Absturz bei Wechsel Hauptmenü -> Spiel
Description Bug-Report:

Was ich gemacht habe:
Spiel - Hauptmenü – spiel – Hauptmenü – Crash

Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.06.2008 um 18:27:12
C:\Program Files\xforcev912\XForce.exe
Nicht behandelte Exception in X-Force ausgel?st.
  X-Force BuildDate: String = 11.06.2008 17:24:26
  X-Force Version: Integer = 912
  X-Force Sprache: String = Deutsch
  Datei: String = data\GameSets\apocalypse_survival.pak
  Name: String = apocalypse:survival
  letzte ?nderung: String = 952798441
momentan laufende Skripte
  0: String = YourName
  1: String = RandomUFO
  2: String = StaffGenerator
  3: String = RandomMission
  4: String = MissionControl
  5: String = RandomMission
  6: String = RandomMission
  7: String = RandomMission
Globale Variablen und deren Werte
  0: String = [I] ProdTime = 96
  1: String = [I] ForschTime = 96
  2: String = [I] AlienTime = 4
  3: String = [I] UFOTime = 4
  4: String = [I] UpgradeLevels = 3
  5: String = [S] LevelDescription = ''
  6: String = [I] DaysPlayed = 8
  7: String = [B] AutoCreateUFOs = Nein
  8: String = [B] AutoCreateEinsatz = Nein
  9: String = [B] AutoCreateBuyListScientists = Ja
  10: String = [B] AutoCreateBuyListTechnicans = Ja
  11: String = [B] AutoChangeConfidence = Ja
  12: String = [B] DangerMode = Nein
  13: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage = Nein
  14: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage_lmUFOs = Nein
  15: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage_lmEinsaetze = Nein
  16: String = [B] InstantBuild = Nein
  17: String = [B] Auto_Weekly_kbFiU = Ja
  18: String = [B] Base_RunningCosts = Ja
  19: String = [B] AutoCreateTradeOffers = Ja
Installierte Updates
XFORCE-MAIN: String = 912f02
CONFIG: String = 113
MUSIK: String = 101
Direct X-Version: String =
Aufl?sung: String = 1280x800
Grafik-Modus: String = 32 Bit
Grafikkarte: String = NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Videospeicher: String = 1.418.662.584 frei / 1.442.244.608 gesamt
BIOS-Name: String =
BIOS-Copyright: String =
BIOS-Info: String =
BIOS-Date: String = 02.01.2008
Betriebssystem: String = Windows Vista Professional, Version: 6.0, Build: 1771, "Service Pack 1"
Prozessor: String = Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz, 3000 MHz MMX
Arbeitsspeicher: String = 1.207.336.960 frei / gesamt
Exceptionklasse: String = EAssertionFailed
Seite: String = TMainPage
Exception an Adresse: Hex = $0061B0C6
Exception Message: String = Assertion fehlges (H:\XF-Quellcode\v0912\game\source\components\ExtRecord.pas, Zeile 924)
Stackdump, Textstart $00401240
Ressource 'dgf' ist nicht im Archiv!
$00496B7A ArchivFile.pas 426 raise EResNotFound.Create('Ressource '''+Name+''' ist nicht im Archiv!');
$00496B75 ArchivFile.pas 426 raise EResNotFound.Create('Ressource '''+Name+''' ist nicht im Archiv!');
$00630DDD MainPage.pas 1080 Archiv.OpenRessource(Game);
$00613024 DXContainer.pas 2619 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$004F6EE6 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$00610632 DXContainer.pas 1270 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00447A4A SysInit
$0044AD96 SysInit
$00427591 SysInit
Sie besitzen f?r Revolver King Cobra keine Konstruktionspl?ne und k?nnen somit diesen Gegenstand nicht verbessern.
$005BD2D1 ForschList.pas 1172 if Item.AlienItem then
$005BD2CC ForschList.pas 1169 raise Exception.Create(Format(ENoUpgrade,[Item.Name]));
$0064D701 VerUpgrades.pas 320 SaveGame.ForschListe.StartUpgrade(SaveGame.LagerListe[Index]);
$00613024 DXContainer.pas 2619 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$004F6EE6 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$00610632 DXContainer.pas 1270 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00447A4A SysInit
$0044AD96 SysInit
$00427591 SysInit
Mit Angeboten ist fr?hestens in 56 Tagen zu rechnen.
$005FCD12 LagerListe.pas 1308 raise EHintGUIException.Create(Format(MK0504160001,[DummyTage]));
$005FCD0D LagerListe.pas 1308 raise EHintGUIException.Create(Format(MK0504160001,[DummyTage]));
$00647E59 VerLager.pas 590 SaveGame.LagerListe.NewAuftrag(StrToInt(Items.Items[Items.ItemIndex]),Buy,Count);
$00613024 DXContainer.pas 2619 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$004F6EE6 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$00610632 DXContainer.pas 1270 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00447A4A SysInit
$0044AD96 SysInit
$00427591 SysInit
Assertion fehlges (H:\XF-Quellcode\v0912\game\source\components\ExtRecord.pas, Zeile 924)
$0061B0C6 ExtRecord.pas 925 result:=fDiscriptor.GetValueIndex(Name);
$0061B0C1 ExtRecord.pas 924 Assert(fDiscriptor<>nil);
$0061A9EA ExtRecord.pas 843 Index:=GetValueIndex(ValueName);
$00510EF1 ProjektRecords.pas 699 Arr[Dummy].ItemID:=RecList.Item[Dummy].GetCardinal('ItemID');
$005110E0 ProjektRecords.pas 736 ReadItemCountArray(GetRecordList('ProductionsItems'),result.ProdItems);
$00511804 ProjektRecords.pas 867 SetItemSettings;
$005F0D99 RaumschiffList.pas 453 Entry:=RecordToProject(Projects[Dummy]);
$005F1851 RaumschiffList.pas 781 Abgleich;
$005B207A KD4SaveGame.pas 944 fCustomSaveHandlers[Dummy].LoadHandler(Stream);
$005B2176 KD4SaveGame.pas 979 ReadWithCustomHandler(ID,MemStream);
$005B0DD3 KD4SaveGame.pas 486 LoadCustomData(Stream);
$0062E443 MainPage.pas 251 SaveGame.LoadGame(fTempName,fTempStream);
$00613024 DXContainer.pas 2619 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self);
$004F6EE6 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited;
$00610632 DXContainer.pas 1270 fCaptureControl.DoClick
$00447A4A SysInit
$0044AD96 SysInit
$00427591 SysInit
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0002184closed Natter X-Force Absturz bei Bodeneinsatz 

There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
12.06.08 12:25 Natter New Issue
15.06.09 06:00 Natter Relationship added related to 0002184
16.06.09 13:26 Natter Relationship added related to 0002211
16.06.09 13:26 Natter Status new => resolved
16.06.09 13:26 Natter Fixed in Version  => V0.915b04
16.06.09 13:26 Natter Resolution open => fixed
16.06.09 13:26 Natter Assigned To  => Natter
17.07.09 03:00 Gast Status resolved => closed

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