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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.06.2009 um 23:08:35 C:\Program Files (x86)\xforcev915\XForce.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicht behandelte Exception in X-Force ausgelöst. Systemdaten: X-Force BuildDate: String = 12.06.2009 11:42:40 X-Force Version: Integer = 915 X-Force Sprache: String = Deutsch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spielsatz: Datei: String = data\GameSets\galwar.pak Name: String = Der Galaktische Krieg letzte Änderung: String = 986489844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ momentan laufende Skripte 0: String = TCS01Techlevel 1: String = MenuButtonControl 2: String = ResearchControl 3: String = RCS_I 4: String = GCS_I 5: String = RCS_E 6: String = GCS_E 7: String = RCS_N 8: String = GCS_N 9: String = RCS_S 10: String = GCS_S 11: String = RCS_T 12: String = GCS_T 13: String = RCS_X 14: String = GCS_X 15: String = CON003radioactivity 16: String = CON002Action 17: String = TCS02Techcenter 18: String = SoldierAI_default 19: String = SoldierAI_default 20: String = SoldierAI_default 21: String = SoldierAI_default 22: String = AlienAI_default 23: String = AlienAI_default 24: String = AlienAI_default 25: String = AlienAI_default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Globale Variablen und deren Werte 0: String = [I] ProdTime = 75 1: String = [I] ForschTime = 75 2: String = [I] AlienTime = 0 3: String = [I] UFOTime = 0 4: String = [I] UpgradeLevels = 1 5: String = [D] UFOperDay = 2,20000 6: String = [I] SPSscanlimit = 11 7: String = [I] SPSdownlimit = 7 8: String = [I] SPSBonus = 3 9: String = [S] LevelDescription = 'deutsch:Im einfachen Schwierigkeitsgrad kämpft man nur gegen einen Teil der außerirdischen Rassen (zufällig ausgewählt) und hat verschiedene Vorteile wie geringere Forschungszeiten und etwas seltenere UFOs.' 10: String = [I] TechwahlMin = 4 11: String = [I] TLpoints = 30 12: String = [D] startequip = 1,50000 13: String = [S] activRace = 'IXT' 14: String = [I] DaysPlayed = 25 15: String = [B] AutoCreateUFOs = Nein 16: String = [B] AutoCreateEinsatz = Nein 17: String = [B] AutoCreateBuyListScientists = Ja 18: String = [B] AutoCreateBuyListTechnicans = Ja 19: String = [B] AutoChangeConfidence = Ja 20: String = [B] DangerMode = Nein 21: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage = Nein 22: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage_lmUFOs = Nein 23: String = [B] NoSaveGameMessage_lmEinsaetze = Nein 24: String = [B] InstantBuild = Nein 25: String = [B] Auto_Weekly_kbFiU = Ja 26: String = [B] GetCreditsForGroundMission = Ja 27: String = [B] Base_RunningCosts = Ja 28: String = [B] AutoCreateTradeOffers = Ja 29: String = [B] ShowDebugInfos = Nein 30: String = [B] AutoPlayGround = Nein 31: String = [I] GEN03EventControl = 286102528 32: String = [I] TL = 2 33: String = [I] MenuLevel = 0 34: String = [I] CommSize = 0 35: String = [I] GEN01ShotdownCounter = 12 36: String = [I] GEN01CrashsiteCounter = 2 37: String = [B] SelectStartBasePosition = Ja ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installierte Updates XFORCE-MAIN: String = 915b02 CONFIG: String = 113 MUSIK: String = 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Direct X-Version: String = Auflösung: String = 1280x800 Grafik-Modus: String = 32 Bit Grafikkarte: String = NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS Videospeicher: String = 2,546,553,928 frei / 2,525,294,592 gesamt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIOS-Name: String = BIOS-Copyright: String = BIOS-Info: String = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Betriebssystem: String = Windows Vista Professional, Version: 6.0, Build: 1772, "Service Pack 2" Prozessor: String = Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz, 3000 MHz MMX Arbeitsspeicher: String = 2,377,187,328 frei / 4,292,427,776 gesamt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exceptionklasse: String = Exception Seite: String = TBodenEinsatz Exception an Adresse: Hex = $004972B9 Exception Message: String = Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stackdump, Textstart $00401240 ********************************************************************************************************************* Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it. $004972B9 DXDraws.pas 1807 end; $004972B4 DXDraws.pas 1806 raise Exception.Create(DDErrorString(DXResult)); $0049B679 DXDraws.pas 4244 FDXDraw.FPrimary.Blt(Dest, FDXDraw.FSurface.ClientRect, DDBLT_WAIT, df, FDXDraw.FSurface); $0049C499 DXDraws.pas 4655 TDXDrawDriver(FDXDrawDriver).Flip; $00630FCC DXContainer.pas 1016 Flip; $00632E23 DXContainer.pas 2038 ReDrawCursor(fMousePos,fMousePos); $00632C77 DXContainer.pas 1962 PerformFrameTime; $004840B6 DXClass.pas 478 if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(Self, LagCount); $00484011 DXClass.pas 445 DoTimer(LagCount); $00470ABB Forms.pas 8083 if Assigned(FOnIdle) then FOnIdle(Self, Done); $0046FE32 Forms.pas 7689 if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then Idle(Msg); $005DBFDD GameFigure.pas 4527 Application.HandleMessage; $005DC083 GameFigure.pas 4556 TimeDelay(50); $005BF2A5 DXIsoEngine.pas 3069 fEnemyKI.DoUnitRound; $005BC382 DXIsoEngine.pas 1555 DoGroupMove; $005B8BDB BodenEinsatz.pas 375 Engine.PlayGame; $00635154 DXContainer.pas 3176 PageShown; $00631220 DXContainer.pas 1123 ActivePage.Activate; $00631CC9 DXContainer.pas 1467 ActivePage:=Page; $00633C81 DXContainer.pas 2468 ShowPageModal(Page) $006351CA DXContainer.pas 3195 Container.ShowPage(Page); $005B7FFD EinsatzIntro.pas 414 ChangePage(PageBodenEinsatz); $005B7C4F EinsatzIntro.pas 293 StartEinsatz; $006341C0 DXContainer.pas 2627 if Assigned(fOnClick) then fOnClick(Self); $0050F936 DXBitmapButton.pas 174 inherited; $006317CE DXContainer.pas 1280 fCaptureControl.DoClick $0045185B Controls.pas 5143 Dispatch(Message); $00456458 Controls.pas 7246 inherited WndProc(Message); $00455B16 Controls.pas 7021 WindowProc(Message); $0042C3C9 classes.pas 11571 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4] -------------------------------- *********************************************************************************************************************