Warning: ob_start(): function 'compress_handler' not found or invalid function name in /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php on line 18

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

SYSTEM WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/xfmantis/core.php:18)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17.02.2007 um 00:47:35 H:\xforce0910releasetest\XForce.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicht behandelte Exception in X-Force ausgelöst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Systemdaten: X-Force BuildDate: String = 15.06.2006 19:23:40 X-Force Version: Integer = 910 X-Force Sprache: String = Deutsch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spielsatz: Datei: String = data\GameSets\GWv008.pak Name: String = Der Galaktische Krieg v008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installierte Updates XFORCE-MAIN: String = 910ALPHA4 CONFIG: String = 112 MUSIK: String = 100 GAMEGALWARDEMO: String = 100 GAMEGALWARDEMO21: String = 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Direct X-Version: String = Grafik-Modus: String = 32 Bit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIOS-Name: String = BIOS-Copyright: String = BIOS-Info: String = BIOS-Date: String = 20.08.2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Betriebssystem: String = Windows XP Home Edition, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 2" Prozessor: String = AMD, AMD Athlon(TM)Processor, 1420 MHz MMX Arbeitsspeicher: String = 186.085.376 frei / 536.313.856 gesamt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exceptionklasse: String = EAccessViolation Seite: String = TVerSoldatEinsatz Exception an Adresse: Hex = $0000000C Exception Message: String = Access violation at address 0000000C. Read of address 0000000C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stackdump, Textstart $00401240 Kein Platz mehr in der Basis (C:\xforce-sandbox\V910\game\source\components\BasisListe.pas, line 1199) $005D87CF $005D87CA $005D8B65 $005DCC23 $005DCCED $005D80DD $0049CFD9 $0059538D $005FC22D $004B766C $004BA97E $004B517A $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 -------------------------------- Kein Platz mehr in der Basis (C:\xforce-sandbox\V910\game\source\components\BasisListe.pas, line 1199) $005D87CF $005D87CA $005D8B65 $005DCC23 $005DCCED $005D80DD $0049CFD9 $0059538D $005FC22D $004B766C $004BA97E $004B517A $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 -------------------------------- Kein Platz mehr in der Basis (C:\xforce-sandbox\V910\game\source\components\BasisListe.pas, line 1199) $005D87CF $005D87CA $005D8B65 $005DCC23 $005DCCED $005D80DD $0049CFD9 $0059538D $005FC22D $004B766C $004BA97E $004B517A $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 -------------------------------- Access violation at address 005A98FF in module 'XForce.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFF4 $005A98FF $004045B0 $005A9A61 $004B766C $004BA97E $004B517A $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 $00468CAB $004B718D $004B8476 $005EADDA $005C1AF3 $004B513E $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 $00468CAB $00630C2B -------------------------------- Access violation at address 005C3FF5 in module 'XForce.exe'. Read of address 00000000 $005C3FF5 $004045B0 $005C2819 $005C439A $005C1B45 $004B513E $0044A3DE $0044D32B $00426FA9 $00468CAB $00630C2B -------------------------------- Access violation at address 0000000C. Read of address 0000000C $0000000C $004045B0 $004040A6 $00561D79 $00617CE6 $004040A6 $004040A6 $00461A92 $004618F8 $004261BC $00404D65 --------------------------------